Gotta Read the Specs!

I was annoyed at myself that I forgot to get cups at the store the other day. I was also annoyed at the thought of having to pack up and leave the dog, yet again, for my stupidity of forgetting cups. I was going to be damned if I had to go back to the store for a single item.

So, what did I do?

Cued up Amazon and I had cups at my doorstep within two days. BOOM. DONE.

Or, so I thought.

Let’s rewind back to the moment when I furiously took to Amazon and searched cups. I thought I was finding an awesome deal when I found a package of 150 plastic cups AND it was reasonably priced AND would be here in two days. I thought I scored a better deal than what I would have found, had I gone to Stop and Shop.

Now, let’s hear about what arrived. I did receive cups. They are indeed plastic. And they are a 150 count pack.

Ladies and Gents—they are also 3 oz bathroom cups. This is not the first time something like this has happened to me—in fact, its almost a sad reoccurring theme.

A few years ago, I went on Overstock or Wayfair and ordered a tan burlap tree skirt. I really liked it and imagined adorning the bottom of my Christmas tree with it. Until it arrived in the mail, that is. It was a mini tree skirt…only 18 inches in diameter. Not only would it not fit under my Christmas tree it would hardly fit anywhere unless I got creative. It now is the middle of the table skirt that I layer with some other decorations and seasonal potpourri.

Another incident: I wanted decorative reindeer for my living room on either side of the fireplace. I found some on a similar website and waited for their arrival. I was a bit thrown off when I received them in a tiny mailer box that fit inside my mailbox. I was expecting the decorative reindeer size reindeer—like the size you would place outside with lights on it. Curious, I opened the box and lo and behold, there were two miniature reindeer in there–the size you might place in a dollhouse. Now, I use them on the mantle or on the table or hide them away in the closet.

I really need to start reading the specifications of products. This has happened far too many times. And yes, it is quite laughable at this point!